On the Way to Jaipur – 9/18/24

I don’t know what happened. Something bad. I typed all day today on the bus, producing the text for today’s blog posting. We didn’t get checked into our Jaipur hotel until 10:30 PM. It’s been a long day.

I boot up my iPad and all today’s typing is gone. Vanished.

I normally type on my iPhone and, through cloud magic, it shows up on my iPad for final editing and posting. This time, neither my iPhone nor iPad has anything more recent than yesterday’s text.

So here’s a much abbreviated version of what we did. With any sort of luck I’ll be able to post some pictures. And maybe someday, for my own benefit, I’ll come back here and provide more detail.

I’m bummed.

1.    Visited in the pouring rain a palace complex built by the third Mughal emperor. He built it to celebrate the birth of his first, long-awaited, son who was born there. He moved his entire court here but after only 14 years he decided the water supply wasn’t adequate and moved court back to Agra.

2.    Visited a step well, built my Hindus in the 9th century. It provided artesian water for people in this town in this arid part of India.

3.    Visited an organization that trains women to do block printing – designs on fabric that can be made into clothing and other items. We bought a ton.

4.    Had a roof top dinner overlooking Jaipur and a full moon.

That’s it in a nutshell. The trip was interesting with lots of farm land. Five or six hours of driving, plus stops. Lots of millet being grown in the fields. Lots of cows wandering in the streets and highways (they’re sacred here; Burger King serves only chicken). Four elephants on the road coming into Jaipur.

There’s a ton more and I’ll try to redo it before I forget it.